PS Vita - avoiding an early grave

Should in that location exist a new PlayStation portable? (Sony)

A reader makes an argument for Sony attempting a new portable console, to compete with the Switch and win back Japan.

I know what you're thinking. The Nintendo Switch already meets your handheld gaming needs. The large PlayStation games are meant to be experienced on your big 4K TV. Sony's last attempt with the PlayStation Vita was a bomb.

Smartphones, tablets, and the Switch go out little room for some other dedicated gaming handheld. And Sony themselves have, more or less, said they're done with handhelds.

Just humor me as I endeavor to convince you (and myself), with five reasons why a new PlayStation handheld console, if done properly, could be worthwhile. Number iv will SHOCK you! Etc.

1. PlayStation 5 remote play

Sometimes someone else wants to sentinel Telly. Sometimes turning on the TV, and the console, and selecting the right HDMI input, is simply too much try. Sometimes you want to game while lying down or sitting somewhere that isn't in front of the TV (yes, there). For decorated people, lazy people, and multi-taskers akin, the convenience of the Switch has been a revelation.

Sony already attempted the kind of functionality I'm thinking of hither, with the PS4 Link on the PlayStation Vita. But not just was that badly marketed, it was also quite poorly implemented. I always had issues getting a stable connection, both via the internet and the direct Vita-to-PS4 connection. In that location was likewise the lack of R2/L2 triggers on the Vita.

But neither of those seem like insurmountable challenges. Of course, the PS5 Link would need to be at least every bit quick and painless to gear up as, say, the Wii U controller was (ideally with ameliorate a range, and the choice for remote play via Wi-Fi). It could also have similar neat functions if used every bit a controller when playing games on the TV, for example for mini-map displays and inventory direction.

2. Some games are just ameliorate suited to handhelds

I'thou thinking peculiarly here near indie games, which I'grand more than likely to buy on Switch than the PlayStation Shop, even with the Nintendo revenue enhancement. Only also games similar Persona 5, which every bit much every bit I enjoyed on PlayStation 4, I oft wished I had the selection of playing in handheld way to speedily grind through some battles or dialogue when I had a spare moment.

three. Continue the PlayStation dorsum catalogue alive

For me, the issue with the limited backwards compatibility of the PlayStation 5 isn't so much that I won't be able to play older PlayStation one, 2 and three discs on it. It'due south that older games are condign harder to (legally) access and play. With the PlayStation Shop on Vita, I was able grab up on a number of PlayStation 1 and PlayStation Portable classics I missed, and revisit some onetime favourites when on the go.

The Nintendo model of assuasive digital purchases (or subscription services) for emulating sometime games on new systems would too make more financial sense for Sony, than implementing backwards compatibility with former discs on PlayStation v (although of form having both options would be platonic). And handhelds are perfect for retro gaming. PlayStation i games still wait pretty great on my Vita, simply definitely practice not wait practiced on a 65-inch 4K Television receiver.

4. Wireless PlayStation VR

Equally someone lucky plenty to have never had issues with VR motion sickness, I honey PlayStation VR. A principal reason I don't play it more ofttimes is the faffing around with cables. (That and the red mark information technology leaves on my ever-expanding brow.) And then what if the new PlayStation handheld had a super high resolution screen, which you lot could just strap to your face?

5. Recapture the Japanese video game market place

Of all the reasons, I experience similar this could be the near challenging. It's well known that the dwelling console market in Japan has been in steady decline, and so remote play of PlayStation v games wouldn't cut it equally a principal selling point for a new Sony handheld over there. Sony would still need exclusive killer apps developed specifically for the handheld, peculiarly by Japanese studios. I'm obviously thinking of things like Monster Hunter, responsible for the huge success of the original PlayStation Portable in Nihon. Easier said than done.

And then in that location you have it. As I'm sure the net will agree, five rock-solid, indisputable and easy-to-implement reasons for Sony to make a new PlayStation handheld. And definitely non an incompatible mix of one-half-baked ideas I came upwards with when I should be working.

Practise I call up it volition happen? On balance, probably not (see opening paragraph). And fifty-fifty if it did, I'chiliad not filled with confidence that Sony would support it properly given their rail-record with the Vita.

That said, I'd be surprised if Sony hadn't at least given it some serious thought, following the success of the Switch. Ah, what the hell – my outsider prediction for 2021 is that solid rumours of a new Sony handheld volition starting time to emerge, and it will be announced in 2022. You lot read it here first!

By reader Jammo

The reader's feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

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