Wh Questions Worksheet Wh Questions Worksheet Past Continuous

Wh Questions ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)
  • Upper-intermediate (B2)

First to Ask

ESL Wh Questions Game - Speaking: Matching, Forming Questions from Prompts - Group work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

In this free Wh questions game, students race to use question words to make questions that elicit specific answers. In groups, students take it in turns to pick up an answer card and read the sentence on the card aloud, putting emphasis on the words in bold. The student then places the card face-up on the table. Next, all the students check their cards to see if they have a question word that can be used to create a question that elicits the answer. The first student to create a suitable question, say it, and place their card down on top of the answer card wins. The two cards are then removed from the game. If the other players think that a question is incorrect or doesn't match the answer, the student takes the card back and the game continues. The first student to get rid of all their question word cards wins the game.

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Information Line Up

ESL Asking Wh Questions Game - Listening and Speaking Activity - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

In this fun asking questions game, students line up in teams as quickly as possible, according to a series of instructions. To do this, students ask each other Wh questions to establish the correct line up. The students line up in their teams, according to the criteria you call out. For example, if the instructions were 'Line up as quickly as possible by age', the students need to ask each other the question 'How old are you?' The first team to line up correctly scores three points. The second team gets two points, and the third team scores one point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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Question Correction

ESL Wh Questions Activity - Grammar Exercise: Error Correction - Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice - Pair work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 30 minutes

In this Wh questions error correction activity, students correct mistakes in questions. Students then use the questions to interview a partner. Working alone, students find mistakes in seven questions on their worksheet and correct them. The students then take it in turns to check their corrections with their partner who has the answer key. Next, students interview their partner using the questions on their worksheet. Afterwards, students tell the class what they found out about their partner.

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Tell me more

ESL Wh Questions Game - Speaking: Asking Questions from Prompts - Group work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 20 minutes

In this Wh questions speaking activity, students play a game where they ask Wh questions in order to find out more details about a sentence. Write a sentence on the board, e.g. 'The report is on the desk'. Tell the students that they are feeling inquisitive and want to find out as many details as possible about the sentence. Teams then take it in turns to ask a Wh question about the sentence, e.g. 'What is the report about?' For each grammatically correct question a team asks, they score one point. When teams run out of questions, write a new sentence on the board and continue the game. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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What type of question is that?

ESL Wh Questions Worksheet - Grammar Exercises: Categorising, Matching, Unscrambling, Writing Questions, Error Correction - Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions - Pair work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

In this Wh questions worksheet, students practice Wh questions in the present simple and present continuous. To start, students review two types of Wh questions. Students then read questions and decide which are 'Type A' questions and which are 'Type B'. Next, students match the questions with answers. Students then match the question words from Exercise A to their functions. After that, students unscramble words to create Wh questions. Students then move on to write Wh questions that match answers. Next, students rewrite questions, correcting errors. For the last exercise, divide the students into pairs. Working alone, students complete sentences by guessing information about their partner. Then, students write the Wh questions they need to ask to find out the correct answer. Lastly, students ask the questions to their partner to see how many of their guesses were correct.

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Source: https://www.teach-this.com/grammar-activities-worksheets/wh-questions

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